Band Agreement: Music Lawyer Explains What Every Musician Needs to Know About It

May 3, 2024
Band Agreement: Music Lawyer Explains What Every Musician Needs to Know About It

What is a band agreement?

A band agreement, or contract, is a legal document that sets the terms and conditions of the partnership among the members of a musical band or group. This type of contract typically includes detailed information about the responsibilities and rights of each member, as well as the ownership of the band, income, and profits, and the dissolution of the band. The main goal is to prevent misunderstandings, conflicts, and legal issues among the members.

How does a band agreement work?

Imagine three friends decide to form a rock band and want to perform together at various events. To prevent future problems, they decide to draft a band agreement. Some important clauses they might include are:

  • Objectives and Goals: The contract establishes the band's goal to perform at public events and promote their music. Additionally, short-term and long-term goals are set to achieve success.
  • Responsibilities and Duties: The responsibilities and duties of each band member are specified. For example, one member might be responsible for social media management, another for finding events, and another for music production.
  • Finances: The contract sets out how the band's income will be divided. For example, it might be agreed that 50% of the income will be distributed among the three members and the other 50% will go towards production and promotion expenses.
  • Duration of the Contract: The duration of the contract is established, which may be renewable if all parties agree.

With these clauses, the three friends could avoid future problems, as they would have a document that establishes each member's responsibilities, obligations, and rights. Additionally, by setting objectives and goals, they could work together to achieve success in the music industry.

What happens if we start a band without a written contract?

Forming a band without a written contract can lead to legal and financial problems in the future. Generally, band members may have different expectations about the ownership of the songs, financial responsibility, and other important aspects of the band. Without a written contract, it can be difficult to resolve these differences and conflicts if they arise.

Additionally, without a contract, it may be difficult to determine who has the right to use the band's name or the band's assets in the event of a breakup, such as logos, social media, and the website. There may also be issues with the band's income, including the distribution of royalties, splitting of concert revenues, merchandise, and copyright ownership.

In summary, having a written contract can help prevent conflicts and ensure that all band members are on the same page regarding expectations and responsibilities.

What happens if a band signed by a record label breaks up?

The two main enemies of bands, particularly when they are signed by a label, are the breakup of the band or the departure of a member. The general rule is that if one of the members breaches their contract, everyone breaches. An exception is made if the contract distinguishes between key and non-key members of the band.

Additionally, Donald Passman explains that if a member leaves the band, the usual scenario is that the label will want the option to sign them as a solo artist or let them go. The terms of this scenario are part of the agreement between the label and the band and are usually less favorable than those of the group.

Moreover, if the band breaks up and 5 years later, 75% or more of the members return, the label will have a preferential option to sign the band again.

What information is typically included in a band agreement?

Here’s what is typically included in a band agreement:

  1. Band Name and Registration: Establishes the band's legal name and registration process.
  2. Band Objectives: Defines the purpose, goals, and planned activities of the band.
  3. Roles and Responsibilities: Outlines the duties and contributions of each band member to ensure everyone is aware of their obligations.
  4. Band Ownership: Clarifies ownership details, including rights to the band's name, logo, domain, and other intellectual properties.
  5. Income and Profits: Details the distribution of earnings and management of income from publishing and royalties.
  6. Dissolution of the Band: Provides procedures for the potential dissolution of the band, including asset distribution and debt settlement.
  7. Voting and Decisions: Specifies decision-making processes and voting rights within the band.
  8. Addition and Departure of Members: Outlines the process for integrating new members and the exit process for departing members, including their rights and obligations.
  9. Termination of the Contract: Sets the conditions under which the contract can be terminated and the procedure for such termination.
  10. Confidentiality: Ensures the band's confidential information is protected and establishes data privacy protocols.

Additionally, the contract may include clauses about:

  • Activities: Each member’s contribution through musical and entertainment activities, such as live performances, songwriting, and recording. It may also address members' involvement in businesses outside the band.
  • Guarantees: Members' assurance that they are free to enter the agreement and have not engaged in activities that could harm the band.
  • Profits and Losses: The agreement on how profits and losses will be shared among members, unless otherwise specified.
  • Rights to Master Recordings and Musical Compositions: Establishes who controls these aspects and how rights are handled when a member leaves the band.
  • Accounting Books: Accessibility of financial records for inspection at the band’s main place of business.

Each contract is unique and can be tailored to fit the specific needs and agreements of the parties involved. It’s crucial for all members to thoroughly review and understand the contract before signing to ensure it meets the collective and individual expectations.

Is a lawyer necessary to create a band agreement?

As a general rule, a lawyer is not necessary to create a band agreement. However, there are cases where it is advisable to have a lawyer with experience in the music and entertainment industry.

Most bands don't have thousands of dollars to pay for a contract like this. That is why we created Flou, so you can draft, sign, send and track your contracts, all in one place and in a matter of seconds. Click here to try for free, today.